Kanye West
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Blowing a fuse

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Somehow, the news about Kanye West escaped me yesterday. I was a bit 'Kanye-tired' after seeing all the rants on video, lately. I just thought he was up to his usual. It's just one of those facts of life you learn to deal with; the sky is blue, grass is green, and Kanye West rants. I don't really take much notice, anymore. So, people at the office actually had to tell me Kanye was hospitalized after suffering a breaking down. Uhm, huh?! What? How? Wait, how could you tell he was breaking down?  

In the meantime, the only facts I can really trace are that he was hospitalized, that the family says he's over exhausted and that he has cancelled the rest of his tour. All of the rest is speculation. Who knows?! It could be a set up for "Keeping Up With The Kardashians". Pff. Tiring.... 

We've entered a time, though, where news like this is actually considered to be important global news. Today's business news actually took the liberty to look into his business affairs, because business problems could be at the heart of it all. They reported his cash flow was running low, mainly due to all his money being tied into investments, and his fashion businesses not doing too well. Bottom line was that he needed the tour to make it, so now he's cancelled it they hope any insurance would cover it. Hmm, let the conspiracy people insert the idea here that maybe that's why he was hospitalized. Maybe the insurance company wasn't going to cover all the cancelled shows anymore and Kanye needed to be hospitalized to show there was actually a problem. Pfff....  

Either way, it's never a good thing for anybody to get over exhausted and I think Kanye is about the last person who needed this to happen to him, if that's even what is happening. From the outside looking in, this could really discredit him. Even though his ranting always entertained the world, he reaches a lot of people, so his ranting would always be taken seriously somewhere and people are aware of it. When he said something about wanting to advice IKEA, IKEA flew him to Sweden to meet. Just for this reason. 

But one thing I do believe about Kanye is that he's one of those guys with a big mouth and a small heart. It's a freely translated Dutch phrase for any kind of loud mouthed person, who's really emotional underneath. By default, I don't believe his intent comes from a bad place. So, my two cents is, that I do believe things got to be a bit too much for him and I wish him well. I also wish him peace... We need a Kanye-break.

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